Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lamborghini set to release '50th Anniversary' model in 2013

Sure, it?s a little over two years away, but still, you can never be too early when it comes to important news about Lamborghini.

So, here it is: In 2013, Lamborghini will be turning 50 years old and to celebrate the occasion, the Italian supercar maker is planning on releasing a 50th anniversary ?special edition? model. The brand has yet to announce what kind of model it?s going to be, but these guys aren?t strangers to commemorative models so we?re going to expect nothing less than a breathtaking supercar.

During its 25th anniversary, Lamborghini released a special edition Countach model. That was followed five years later by the Diablo SE30. And then, during its 40th year celebration, they released yet another commemorative model, the Murcielago 40th year Anniversary.

Seeing as 50 years has more cache than 30 or 40 years, it?s pretty much a given that the boys over at Sant?Agata will spare no expense in producing a commemorative supercar unlike anything we?ve ever seen.

Lamborghini set to release '50th Anniversary' model in 2013 originally appeared on on Saturday, 25 December 2010 18:00 EST.

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